This fruit is fatty, but it has only unsaturated fat of monosaturated category, which is very good to reduce the risk of coming down with cancer , heart attack and diabetic. "Avocado can regenerate one's blood and blood vessel, stabilize blood sugar and good for heart attack prevention" as said by Ed Bauman, Phd nutritionist of Bauman College. He also explained that avocado is a very good fruit since it is fibrous (11 to 17 gram fibre per each fruit).

One apple a day keep you away from the doctor" stated by Jonny Bowden, Ph.D, the writer of "The 150 Healthiest Food on Earth". This fruit is rich in antioxidant quercetin and catechin used to protect the body from the cell damage, it means that eating apple can reducing the posibility of heart attack and cancer, moreover if we eat it with its rind. Apple has polyphenol five times more as compared to meat. The fiber content in apple and its rind is two times more as compared to other fruits, like grape, orange, peach etc.

Blueberry is rich in antioxidan, especially anthocyanins that can increase one's vision and brain's function. The research shows that eating blueberry can detain the damage of one's memory due to the process of aging. This fruit can also decrease the infection caused by the ilness of parkinson, alzheimer and diabetic.

The family of Brassica (brocolly, cabbage) has the essence known as indoles that can reduce the risk of cancer. Male who consume cabbage more than one portion every week can reduce the risk of colon cancer until 66%. Cabbage can also upgrade the body immunity, kill the virus and bacteria.

Consuming fishes will help us reducing the risk of heart attack, cancer, alzheimer, stroke, diabetic and rheumatic. Fish fat can also assuage the symptom of depression. Adults is recommended to consume two fishes in a week, especially the deep sea fish, like salmon and sardine which is containing omega-3.

It can reducing one's cholestrol content and can also detain the blood artery blockage. Two or three cloves of garlic consume daily can reducing heart attack of half number of the heart attack medical patient . It is very effective as anti bacteria and can also raising our endurance toward stress.

Maitake, shiitake and reishi are species of mushrooms which having many peculiarity in upgrading our body immunity. Therefore mushroom is common to be used in eastern medicinal treatment. Traditional medical in Asia use mushroom as part of cancer therapy since it is believed capable to preventive the effect of poison from radiation and chemotherapy. Research by Japanese scientist showed that consume shiiake mushroom regularly will decrease cholesterol content until 45%.

Almond contains of fibre and unsaturated fat of monosaturated that can reduce cholesterol contents. Consuming 1.5 ounce of nut including almond can reduce the risk of heart attack. The contents of protein, fibre and unsaturated fat in the fruit causing satiety.

Egg is possibly the best source of protein in the world. The protein content of Egg is better than milk, meat or soybean. But some people are affraid of consuming egg yolk that they believe can raising the level of cholesterol. Whereas, egg yolk contents of choline which is protecting the function of brain and liver. And there is no evidence that can raise one's level of cholesterol by consuming only one or twoo eggs daily.

Only a few people knows that pomegranate is the best antioxidants source, even better than red wine and green tea. Consuming pomegranate juice regularly is proven to be able reducing the blockage of the blood flow causing heart attack and hypertension. Consuming pomegranate juice in long period will inhibit the aging process and cancer.

By drinking a glass of red wine daily will boosting up the level of High Density Lipoprotein (HDL) and reducing the risk of blood clotting. Red wine contents of antioxidants reservatrol and saponin which is very useful for heart. But never consuming red wine more than once daily or your blood pressure will moving up.

The bitter the healthier. The benefit of chocolate is coming from flavonol and antioxidants (as found in strawberry, red wine and apple). Only the pure cacao contents of flavonol. So choose the chocolate with cacao containing more than 60%. Dark chocolate contents less calorie compared with other chocolate. You will get the benefit of reducing Low Density Lipoprotein (LDL) or bad cholesterol by consuming dark chocolate sufficiently.
sumber : Forum Kesehatan
Indonesian - English translation by Didi